Finding a cure for brain tumors and providing support to brain tumor patients and their families is a cause that’s very close to David’s heart and, since 2009, fans have helped him raise nearly $1.6 million toward that goal — amazing!
In honor of David’s birthday on December 20, awesome fans like you are donating to his personal fundraiser at braintumorcommunity.org/goto/DavidCook2022.
“I am so thrilled to continue my relationship with NBTS and the Race for Hope! The work they do to help get us closer to a cure for brain tumors and brain cancer is imperative, and your donation is a huge part of that work. I can’t think of a better birthday gift than that.”
As an added bonus, registered team members who raise $150 or more will receive DCEP sweatpants (while supplies last; size availability on a first-come, first-served basis)!
To learn more about the 25th Annual Race For Hope-DC, join David’s 2022 Team for a Cure (as a runner or virtual runner), and make a donation, please visit braintumorcommunity.org/goto/DavidCookTeam2022.