David uncovered the final piece of his new EP cover puzzle this past weekend to fans who have already pre-ordered, revealing the full artwork to fans for the first time – check it out below!
I’ve been teasing the new album cover and title these last few posts with some pieces of the cover, but I wanted you to see the finished album cover and title before anyone else. So, I hope you enjoy!
Now, go out into the world and tell everyone else what they’re missing by not being a part of this! : )And, if I may be serious for a moment: Thank you all for being so damn supportive of not just this EP, but of everything I’ve had the privilege to do this past almost-decade. As we get to closer to the release of this new music, it’s not lost on me the miles you’ve travelled, dollars you’ve spent/raised, time you’ve given, and noise you’ve made on my behalf. You’re awesome and stuff.
What do you think? Be sure to let David know on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and, if you’ve yet to check out David’s new PledgeMusic project, head on over to pledgemusic.com/davidcook to pre-order today and gain access to exclusive: updates, music, merch, events, and more!