Lucky fans who have already pre-ordered were the first to get a sneak peek of the new EP cover art this past weekend in a PledgeMusic update from David. Check out some of what he had to say and the first piece of the puzzle below!
Got the mastered album files the other day, and they sound damn good! It’s always so unnerving going through the recording part of putting a record together. You never know if what you hear in your head is going to come out right, so to be able to listen to the audio of this record once it’s finished and feel good about it is a HUGE exhale! Can’t wait for you guys to hear it for yourselves
The album title has been decided upon, as well as the album cover! (Took me long enough, right?) We’ll be unveiling all of that in the next couple weeks…
…or we could just show you some of it now.
If you’ve yet to check out David’s new PledgeMusic project, head on over to to pre-order today and gain access to exclusive: updates, music, merch, events, and more!