David Cook took time out of his busy touring schedule to talk with Bill Hernandez at Rockbandreviews.com about touring, Broadway, charity, and what is next for him…

‘David, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with me today. Our last conversation was back in 2017/18. I think you would agree that a lot has happened since then’.
A: That is an understatement.
Q: The past 2 years, has seen so much happen throughout the world, and of course, I’m talking about the pandemic. During the 2 months of lockdown, what did you do to keep busy? Were you writing and recording at home, Doing things around the house, or just taking advantage of time off from the road?
A: I took the opportunity, in as much as it was an opportunity, to just kind of slow down for a minute, be present at home and really sort of assess what the last decade and a half has been like. It’s been such a crazy experience. I have been so busy, fortunately, over the years, it was nice to have that sort of mental break to just look over everything and to just figure out what I wanted to say, moving forward. I dove into songwriting and ended up writing an EP called The Looking Glass that I released in 2021, it just really encapsulated, you know, my experiences, and just kind of navigating this pandemic. The goal is to put out an album that people could find something for themselves.
Q: We’re very excited to see you next week, on November 17th at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts. You have fans that come out every time you’re on tour. How do you go about keeping your shows fresh and relevant, so as to not repeat shows from prior tours?
A: That has always been a big Litmus test for me as far as putting shows together. We try to keep the setlist’s alive, try to keep them as sort of a living organism. Fortunately, over the years, I have been able to build up more of a catalog . With that you kind of take songs out, put songs in, move stuff around. On top of that, I think every show is sort of it’s own thing and that’s one of the things I have taken a lot of pride in, as far as our live shows and each show is sort of its own ecosystem. It becomes its own symbiotic experience between us and the audience. So I feel like the audience is just as responsible for, or just as much a part of, the experience. So that’s really how we have always operated. We want each show to feel like this show is one of a kind, this show will never exist again. You are getting an experience that no one else is going to get, and that is sort of what we have always strived for.